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Protect Your Website: Reject Malicious Visitors
Protect Your Website: Reject Malicious Visitors

Blocking malicious visitors is crucial for protecting website security, maintaining user privacy, improving website...

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Recommendation for Good and Affordable VPS Hosting
Recommendation for Good and Affordable VPS Hosting

Reliability and stability are important indicators for measuring VPS hosting/dedicated servers. Although service...

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Why we do not recommend web hosting
Why we do not recommend web hosting

Although virtual hosting may be an affordable and convenient choice for some users, it is not the best option in many...

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Why do Amazon sellers need to create independent e-commerce websites?
Why do Amazon sellers need to create independent e-commerce websites?

Creating independent websites allows Amazon sellers to fully control their brand, customer data, marketing, and...

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Let's talk about creating an independent website.
Let's talk about creating an independent website.

The term "independent site" first appeared in the field of e-commerce, referring to an online sales website that...

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Starting from 2006, I have been working full-time in software development, accumulating over 15 years of experience in web development. I am proficient in full-stack development, with expertise in PHP, Node.js, and JavaScript programming languages.
Core Expertise :Web Site/App Development, Search Engine Marketing. Web Data Extraction
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  • Use Chrome to Diagnose Website Speed
    Use Chrome to Diagnose Website Speed

    The loading speed of a website not only affects user experience but also directly impacts SEO ranking, conversion rates, and brand image. Today, we will diagnose website speed using Chrome.

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  • SEO Guide: Anchor Text
    SEO Guide: Anchor Text

    In the process of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), anchor text is an element that cannot be ignored. It is the clickable text in a hyperlink, which not only affects user experience but also has a significant impact on the search engine ranking of a website.

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  • SEO Guide: Optimizing URLs
    SEO Guide: Optimizing URLs

    URL optimization is a key step in enhancing a website's SEO performance. By carefully designing URLs, search engines can better understand and index web page content. This includes using clear, concise structures, incorporating relevant keywords, and avoiding complex parameters and dynamic URLs.

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  • SEO Guide: Long-Tail Keyword Strategy
    SEO Guide: Long-Tail Keyword Strategy

    In digital marketing strategies, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has become an indispensable element. Especially in terms of content creation and website traffic growth, SEO plays a crucial role. Among the many SEO strategies, the use of long-tail keywords is undoubtedly one of the most effective methods.

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  • SEO Guide: Using Google Search Console
    SEO Guide: Using Google Search Console

    Google Search Console (GSC) is a free tool provided by Google that helps website administrators understand and improve their website's performance in Google search results. This article will detail how to enhance your SEO work through GSC.

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  • Install Google Analytics
    Install Google Analytics

    Google Analytics (GA) is a powerful website analysis tool that is crucial for understanding user behavior, optimizing website performance, and developing effective marketing strategies.

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  • Security Strategy: Change the website's admin panel address and user accounts
    Security Strategy: Change the website's admin panel address and user accounts

    The password settings for the website backend and administrator accounts are directly related to the overall security of the website. They are crucial measures to protect the site from unauthorized access, safeguard sensitive data, prevent malicious operations, and meet compliance requirements.

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  • Deploy your LAMP website project
    Deploy your LAMP website project

    This article will guide you in deploying your website project developed with PHP and MySQL. It is also applicable for website data recovery, server replacement, and other scenarios.

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  • Installing LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 22
    Installing LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 22

    This article will guide you through installing PHP 8.1, MySQL, and Apache2 on the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS system, and configuring Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate auto-renewal to ensure your website is secure and reliable.

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  • SEO: Website Content Planning and Keyword Deployment
    SEO: Website Content Planning and Keyword Deployment

    In the world of digital marketing, there is a saying, "Content is King," and the content of a website is considered the "King." This is not without reason. High-quality website content is crucial for attracting and retaining user attention. It not only provides value but also establishes the brand's reputation and authority. Content is the primary way users interact with a website, whether through informative blog posts, engaging videos, or eye-catching images, all of which are key to...

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  • Effective immediately, we will officially cease maintaining Autolinker
    Effective immediately, we will officially cease maintaining Autolinker

    Don't worry, we have replaced it with the more user-friendly Autolinks. The reason for this decision is to improve user experience and enhance performance.

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  • Software Requirements for a Website Project Based on the LAMP Stack
    Software Requirements for a Website Project Based on the LAMP Stack

    Here is the software requirements and file permissions for a website developed based on the LAMP technology stack. You can install the necessary software yourself or contact us for assistance with the installation.

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Showing 13 to 24 of 50 (5 Pages)